Issues filed on MDN Web Docs related to pages attached to technologies developed by W3C.
[SVG11] SVG tutorial recommends deprecated custom font method (2025-02-11T10:30:30Z)
[SVG11] SVG examples should be written in proper XML syntax (2025-01-22T23:39:56Z)
[credential-management-1] CredentialsContainer.get() may also throw when the action is cancelled (2025-01-20T19:01:25Z)
[html, css-writing-modes-4] Guide / overview page for writing modes (2025-01-09T10:50:41Z)
[CSS21, css-display-3] CSS+JS Accessibility best practices - hidden things section - is not promoting best practices (2025-01-06T15:29:04Z)
[cssom-view-1] Discrepancy in Screen.width definition: CSS pixels vs Physical pixels (2024-12-28T12:22:44Z)
[cssom-1] Example for CSSStyleDeclaration/setProperty doesn’t work (2024-12-19T00:02:32Z)
[requestidlecallback] timeRemaining() documentation should flag that it doesn’t just count down (2024-12-17T22:44:09Z)
[SVG11] Reverse values and use case (2024-12-06T18:25:10Z)
[css-typed-om-2, cssom-1] Add an alternative solution for computedStyleMap (2024-12-04T09:12:21Z)
[FileAPI] Support for dwg mime type (2024-11-27T11:24:03Z)
[html, uievents] Inconsistency in dragover event timing information (2024-11-07T19:25:18Z)
[webauthn-3] Webauthn: getClientExtensionResults() returns a AuthenticationExtensionsClientOutputs, not a Map (2024-11-06T11:36:55Z)
[css-font-loading-3] FontFace doc: sizeAdjust is missing (2024-10-31T07:23:20Z)
[referrer-policy] Add information to Referrer-Policy docs about how it can affect the Origin header (2024-10-28T18:04:13Z)
[html, wai-aria-1.2] All `ElementInternals` docs for `ARIAMixin` properties are incorrect (2024-10-26T03:40:30Z)
[file-system-access] Broken example code for DataTransferItem.getAsFileSystemHandle() (2024-10-24T18:22:51Z)
[css-pseudo-4] Add new information about recent CSS inheritance changes with CSS selection and highlight pseudo-classes (2024-10-23T11:07:23Z)
[media-source] SourceBuffer.appendBuffer() can cause an exception to be thrown because of QuotaExceeded (2024-10-18T20:01:55Z)
[touch-events] Note difference in how Touch.screenX/screenY, Touch.clientX/clientY and Touch.pageX/pageY handle zooming (2024-10-14T10:01:23Z)
[input-events-2] dataTransfer is null (2024-10-09T03:33:08Z)
[css-pseudo-4] File selector can be styled (2024-09-28T18:18:41Z)
[webrtc] webrtc: Call createDataChannel after createOffer (2024-09-18T12:11:30Z)
[cssom-view-1] getBoundingClientRect().width is not the same as scrollWidth (2024-08-14T13:36:33Z)
[html, dom, uievents] Event pages: claim (or imply) that onXYZ and addEventListener are equivalent but they are not (2024-08-09T02:19:02Z)
[html, SVG11] CanvasRenderingContext2D: drawImage() method: takes natural height and width into account docs incomplete. (2024-07-26T10:10:58Z)
[appmanifest] IsStandaloneContent does not work with `display: fullscreen` in Chrome Android (2024-07-19T15:53:57Z)
[html, uievents] `onerror` (and others) missing from HTMLBodyElement “Event Handlers” section (2024-07-07T17:44:00Z)
[cssom-view-1] document.caretPositionFromPoint() API needs update (2024-06-28T18:22:16Z)
[html, FileAPI] Live examples using are broken (2024-06-22T21:35:10Z)
[css-color-4] Interpolating colors from different spaces: analogous components (2024-06-17T18:47:04Z)
[webauthn-3] Webauthn latest specs (2024-06-14T14:21:13Z)
[hr-time-3] What are the ramifications of `` bugs? (2024-05-26T19:52:08Z)
[periodic-background-sync] periodicSync needs “periodic-background-sync” permission (2024-05-21T08:55:15Z)
[html, mediacapture-streams] Unclear example of MediaStream: getTrackById() method (2024-04-29T11:34:54Z)
[webaudio] ConvolverNode example needs user interaction (2024-04-19T12:46:49Z)
[webxr] Explanation of `bounded-floor`/`local`/`local-floor` needs improvement (2024-04-16T04:22:18Z)
[css-shadow-parts-1] Incorrect statement about pseudo-elements needing to come last in a selector (2024-04-05T20:16:52Z)
[css-backgrounds-4] No information on border-color <stripes()> (2024-02-12T07:33:50Z)
[selectors-4] :blank is also a blank page pseudo-class (2024-01-24T10:43:17Z)
[cssom-view-1] Include detailed information about scaling on window.devicePixelRatio reference page (2023-10-17T10:43:43Z)
[webrtc] RTCDataChannel bufferedamountlow event not sent if the threshold is 0? (2023-09-13T08:47:28Z)
[html, dom, cssom-view-1, uievents, pointerlock-2, selection-api, page-visibility-2] Keydown, keyup, keypress pages should mention they work on document, body, etc (2023-08-14T20:14:56Z)
[selection-api] Correct and split “How whitespace is handled by HTML, CSS, and in the DOM” (2023-07-30T09:11:04Z)
[webrtc] usernameFragment Examples section contains method that does not exist (2023-07-25T13:19:31Z)
[css-typed-om-2] CSSMathNegate() constructor page is a stub (2023-07-22T02:25:00Z)
[dom, cssom-view-1, uievents, pointerlock-2, pointerevents3, fullscreen, DOM-Parsing] MouseDown & MouseUp event articles should compare them to PointerDown & PointerUp (2023-07-11T08:38:52Z)
[webrtc] Incorrectly states that RTCRtpTransceiver.mid is null until negotiation is completed. (2023-06-23T10:39:29Z)
[IndexedDB-3] “Using IndexedDB” guide seems to be out of sync with the more specific documentation (2023-06-14T18:17:39Z)
[webrtc] api.RTCDataChannel.send - Wrong or obsolete exception list (2023-05-16T11:38:12Z)
[IndexedDB-3] versionchange is super important and hardly is given any attention (2023-05-08T06:47:05Z)
[IndexedDB-3] leading the developer down a dead end in onupgradeneeded (2023-05-08T06:34:43Z)
[cssom-view-1] Guide on reflow and performance optimizations (2023-04-21T01:08:41Z)
[webaudio] interrupted state not listed as a valid state value, but an example of interrupted state was given (2023-04-11T18:49:59Z)
[webrtc] The new restartIce() method should replace the old “iceRestart” parameter in the documentation consistently. (2023-03-29T09:34:05Z)
[webaudio] AnalyserNode::getFloatTimeDomainData() doesn’t specify the encoding of the waveform (2023-03-23T14:41:18Z)
[screen-capture] MediaDevices#getDisplayMedia(): systemAudio is misleading (2023-03-14T03:38:33Z)
[filter-effects-2] feGaussianBlur needs guidance about setting height and width (2023-02-04T21:15:51Z)
[SVG11] Inconsistency with experimental status of textPath attribute method (2023-02-01T16:11:22Z)
[webrtc] What is `RTCPeerConnection.generateCertificate(..)` good for? (2023-01-30T20:28:26Z)
[webaudio] BiquadFilterNode»Q: Incorrect range for Q? (2023-01-13T01:05:43Z)
[orientation-event] Explanation of X, y, z coordinates of DeviceMotionEvent.acceleration and DeviceMotionEvent.accelerationIncludingGravity is either completely wrong or extremely confusing (or both) (2022-12-11T22:18:39Z)
[html, uievents] Document.activeElement : The lack of HTMLAnchorElement and macOS on a case by case basis (2022-11-16T13:47:01Z)
[css-align-3] Content suggestion: display owns CSS shorthand property. (2022-09-16T06:36:39Z)
[IndexedDB-3] indexedDB.deleteDatabase doc: Mention that deleting a database isn’t completed until the upgradeNeeded result is closed (2022-09-07T00:12:45Z)
[html, cssom-view-1] [GEH] The scroll event isn’t referenced as firing on Window anymore (2022-08-18T11:52:38Z)
[uievents] Event references should list bubbles, cancelable, and composed values (2022-08-15T13:38:07Z)
[WebCryptoAPI] Precise max length for encoding algorithm (2022-07-06T14:47:35Z)
[selectors-4] `:any-link` privacy exception not explained (2022-06-17T02:50:38Z)
[html, gamepad] Double checking the gamepad docs are correct (2022-04-11T03:02:09Z)
[hr-time-3, performance-timeline-2, resource-timing-2, user-timing-2] Topic on setting HTTP priority of resource requests (2022-04-08T02:53:08Z)
[webaudio] “ConvolverNode”: provide a simpler example that I can adapt to more complex examples (connecting it to another node does not work) (2022-03-18T14:35:29Z)
[web-animations-2, css-animations-2] Issue with “Element.animate()”: wrong scenario mentioned (2022-03-04T07:40:26Z)
[encoding] Content suggestion: ImageDecoder & ImageTrackList how-to/tutorial (2022-02-07T04:15:29Z)
[cssom-view-1] Issue with “Document: scroll event”: Example using rAF in scroll-event callbacks is outdated, and anti-performance (2022-02-04T00:25:49Z)
[uievents] Content bug: Missing information about what* can be (2022-01-07T12:25:45Z)
[webrtc] “Using DTMF” is using legacy APIs (2021-10-22T18:00:50Z)
[service-workers-1, dom, cssom-view-1, notifications, pointerevents3] Page titles should reflect usage: crypto.getRandomValues instead of Crypto: getRandomValues() (2021-09-16T10:09:38Z)
[SVG11] Issue with “SVGSVGElement”: In FF an unset viewBox property means viewBox.baseVal = null. For Chrome it is an SVGRect initialized to 0. (2021-09-14T14:00:23Z)
[svg-animations, SVG11] Issue with “<animate>”: Firefox is inconsistent in rendering svg - graphic (2021-09-02T04:54:48Z)
[html, dom, WebIDL-1, cssom-view-1, FileAPI, uievents, pointerlock-2] Remove alert() from live samples (2021-08-03T21:17:44Z)
[service-workers-1] Issue with “ServiceWorkerContainer.register()”: may be advisable to check for an existing registration (2021-07-21T16:35:44Z)
[webaudio] Content bug: AudioListener and attributes need better examples. (2021-04-26T03:22:48Z)
[presentation-api] Presentation API docs need rewrite (2021-04-12T01:16:00Z)
[webaudio] Visualization for OscillatorNode (2021-01-14T10:42:13Z)