Issues filed on MDN Web Docs related to pages attached to technologies developed by W3C Web Applications Working Group.
[FileAPI] Support for dwg mime type (2024-11-27T11:24:03Z)
[html, uievents] Inconsistency in dragover event timing information (2024-11-07T19:25:18Z)
[input-events-2] dataTransfer is null (2024-10-09T03:33:08Z)
[html, dom, uievents] Event pages: claim (or imply) that onXYZ and addEventListener are equivalent but they are not (2024-08-09T02:19:02Z)
[appmanifest] IsStandaloneContent does not work with `display: fullscreen` in Chrome Android (2024-07-19T15:53:57Z)
[html, uievents] `onerror` (and others) missing from HTMLBodyElement “Event Handlers” section (2024-07-07T17:44:00Z)
[html, FileAPI] Live examples using are broken (2024-06-22T21:35:10Z)
[html, dom, cssom-view-1, uievents, pointerlock-2, selection-api, page-visibility-2] Keydown, keyup, keypress pages should mention they work on document, body, etc (2023-08-14T20:14:56Z)
[selection-api] Correct and split “How whitespace is handled by HTML, CSS, and in the DOM” (2023-07-30T09:11:04Z)
[dom, cssom-view-1, uievents, pointerlock-2, pointerevents3, fullscreen, DOM-Parsing] MouseDown & MouseUp event articles should compare them to PointerDown & PointerUp (2023-07-11T08:38:52Z)
[IndexedDB-3] “Using IndexedDB” guide seems to be out of sync with the more specific documentation (2023-06-14T18:17:39Z)
[IndexedDB-3] versionchange is super important and hardly is given any attention (2023-05-08T06:47:05Z)
[IndexedDB-3] leading the developer down a dead end in onupgradeneeded (2023-05-08T06:34:43Z)
[html, uievents] Document.activeElement : The lack of HTMLAnchorElement and macOS on a case by case basis (2022-11-16T13:47:01Z)
[IndexedDB-3] indexedDB.deleteDatabase doc: Mention that deleting a database isn’t completed until the upgradeNeeded result is closed (2022-09-07T00:12:45Z)
[uievents] Event references should list bubbles, cancelable, and composed values (2022-08-15T13:38:07Z)
[html, gamepad] Double checking the gamepad docs are correct (2022-04-11T03:02:09Z)
[uievents] Content bug: Missing information about what* can be (2022-01-07T12:25:45Z)
[html, dom, WebIDL-1, cssom-view-1, FileAPI, uievents, pointerlock-2] Remove alert() from live samples (2021-08-03T21:17:44Z)