Issues filed on MDN Web Docs related to pages attached to technologies developed by W3C Web Real-Time Communications Working Group.
[webrtc] webrtc: Call createDataChannel after createOffer (2024-09-18T12:11:30Z)
[html, mediacapture-streams] Unclear example of MediaStream: getTrackById() method (2024-04-29T11:34:54Z)
[webrtc] RTCDataChannel bufferedamountlow event not sent if the threshold is 0? (2023-09-13T08:47:28Z)
[webrtc] usernameFragment Examples section contains method that does not exist (2023-07-25T13:19:31Z)
[webrtc] Incorrectly states that RTCRtpTransceiver.mid is null until negotiation is completed. (2023-06-23T10:39:29Z)
[webrtc] api.RTCDataChannel.send - Wrong or obsolete exception list (2023-05-16T11:38:12Z)
[webrtc] The new restartIce() method should replace the old “iceRestart” parameter in the documentation consistently. (2023-03-29T09:34:05Z)
[screen-capture] MediaDevices#getDisplayMedia(): systemAudio is misleading (2023-03-14T03:38:33Z)
[webrtc] What is `RTCPeerConnection.generateCertificate(..)` good for? (2023-01-30T20:28:26Z)
[webrtc] “Using DTMF” is using legacy APIs (2021-10-22T18:00:50Z)