Issues filed on MDN Web Docs related to pages attached to technologies developed by WHATWG HTML Workstream.
[html] [HTML] Add `OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D` method `getContextAttributes` (2025-01-20T14:02:21Z)
[html] It seems to be unclear how to get an element’s lang through inheritance (2025-01-16T17:41:21Z)
[html] Better documentation for labelling inputs (2025-01-15T22:49:27Z)
[html, css-writing-modes-4] Guide / overview page for writing modes (2025-01-09T10:50:41Z)
[html, selectors-4] :target matches the current “target element”, not the url fragment (2025-01-08T19:16:55Z)
[html] Mention how to obtain coordinates of image for area#coords (2025-01-02T06:40:37Z)
[html] Window: external property missing `getHostEnvironmentValue` entry (2024-12-13T03:22:46Z)
[html] Add documentation of new dialog light dismiss behaviors (2024-12-13T00:40:54Z)
[html] Add accessibility considerations to the HTML “autocomplete” attribute page (2024-12-10T18:43:41Z)
[html] Multiple h1 (2024-12-01T17:42:15Z)
[html] The `Location.hash` property is percent-encoded (2024-11-27T15:24:38Z)
[html, uievents] Inconsistency in dragover event timing information (2024-11-07T19:25:18Z)
[html, wai-aria-1.2] All `ElementInternals` docs for `ARIAMixin` properties are incorrect (2024-10-26T03:40:30Z)
[html, fetch] `credentialless` - explanation of “navigate” requests requiring `Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy` response header (2024-10-25T17:04:26Z)
[html] Subpar accessibility recommendation (2024-09-27T01:43:17Z)
[html] window.postMessage needs targetOrigin=* for dataurl (2024-09-25T08:53:00Z)
[html] Missing documentation that SharedArrayBuffers not compatible with MessagePort (2024-08-23T01:58:03Z)
[html] Whitespace is not insignificant in HTMLImageElement.srcset (2024-08-17T15:44:16Z)
[html, dom, uievents] Event pages: claim (or imply) that onXYZ and addEventListener are equivalent but they are not (2024-08-09T02:19:02Z)
[html] HTMLMediaElement.currentTime: precision seems different from (2024-07-30T09:34:47Z)
[html] Description of how inert of .showModal() works does not cover how it behaves with iframe (2024-07-27T22:31:00Z)
[html, SVG11] CanvasRenderingContext2D: drawImage() method: takes natural height and width into account docs incomplete. (2024-07-26T10:10:58Z)
[html] Improve `messageerror` example to show a case in which the event is fired (2024-07-25T16:05:45Z)
[html, uievents] `onerror` (and others) missing from HTMLBodyElement “Event Handlers” section (2024-07-07T17:44:00Z)
[html] “escape inertness” mentioned but never explained how to (2024-07-04T10:02:29Z)
[html] <pre> elements - problematic characters and auto replacement (2024-07-01T23:43:33Z)
[html] Usage notes has misleading instructions for `<menu>` element (2024-06-28T07:04:22Z)
[html, FileAPI] Live examples using are broken (2024-06-22T21:35:10Z)
[html, mediacapture-streams] Unclear example of MediaStream: getTrackById() method (2024-04-29T11:34:54Z)
[html] label accessibility advice is misleading (2024-04-26T14:13:16Z)
[html] Video/Audio source event handling (2024-03-21T15:30:15Z)
[html] HTMLMediaElement/textTracks example video does not load (2024-02-13T22:47:24Z)
[html] HTML <iframe>: allow attribute needs stand-alone topic (2024-02-09T06:10:46Z)
[html] WebSocket constructor example should demonstrate waiting for connection or handling connection failure (2024-01-17T18:55:09Z)
[html] Event not called for modification on sessionStorage (2023-11-28T11:28:49Z)
[html] Document img auto-sizes (2023-11-28T10:39:06Z)
[html] Document false negatives for navigator.onLine property (2023-11-20T10:49:44Z)
[html, dom, cssom-view-1, uievents, pointerlock-2, selection-api, page-visibility-2] Keydown, keyup, keypress pages should mention they work on document, body, etc (2023-08-14T20:14:56Z)
[html] Create a `form` attribute page (2023-08-03T18:28:41Z)
[html] HTMLImageElement.srcset: sizes attribute doesn’t need to be present (2023-06-12T21:33:46Z)
[html] HTMLMediaElement: suspend: Improve wording on what it means to be suspended (2023-05-07T04:43:55Z)
[html] Image request fired as soon as src is set (2023-05-03T17:23:34Z)
[html] document-domain feature policy is being removed (2022-12-05T04:44:41Z)
[html, uievents] Document.activeElement : The lack of HTMLAnchorElement and macOS on a case by case basis (2022-11-16T13:47:01Z)
[html] Add documentation for <video posterloading=lazy> (2022-10-28T12:20:13Z)
[html, cssom-view-1] [GEH] The scroll event isn’t referenced as firing on Window anymore (2022-08-18T11:52:38Z)
[html] Missing info of copying sessionStorage on creating new context (2022-07-13T16:09:36Z)
[html, gamepad] Double checking the gamepad docs are correct (2022-04-11T03:02:09Z)
[html] Issue with “Location”: does not mention IDN domain names at all (2021-09-13T22:55:17Z)
[html, dom, WebIDL-1, cssom-view-1, FileAPI, uievents, pointerlock-2] Remove alert() from live samples (2021-08-03T21:17:44Z)
[html, web-locks] Avoiding duplication/confusion between Location+WorkerLocation and Navigator+WorkerNavigator (2021-07-13T13:35:32Z)
[html] CustomElementRegistry needs updating (2021-07-06T07:29:36Z)