
Terms starting with letter z

Color key: WebIDL CSS Markup HTTP

z (CSS value for color() ) §
Defined in CSS Color 5
z (CSS value for rotate ) §
Defined in CSS Transforms 2
z (markup attribute for fePointLight ) §
Defined in Filter Effects 1
z (markup attribute for feSpotLight ) §
Defined in Filter Effects 1
Accelerometer.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in Accelerometer
CSSRotate.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in CSS Typed OM 1
CSSScale.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in CSS Typed OM 1
CSSTranslate.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in CSS Typed OM 1
DeviceMotionEventAcceleration.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in Device Orientation and Motion
DeviceMotionEventAccelerationInit.z (WebIDL dictionary member) §
Defined in Device Orientation and Motion
DOMPoint.z (WebIDL attribute) §
DOMPointReadOnly.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in Geometry Interfaces 1
Referenced in WebXR Hit Test, WebXR Lighting Estimation API 1
DOMPointInit.z (WebIDL dictionary member) §
Defined in Geometry Interfaces 1
Referenced in WebXR Hit Test
GPUOrigin3DDict.z (WebIDL dictionary member) §
Defined in WebGPU
Gyroscope.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in Gyroscope
Magnetometer.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in Magnetometer
SVGFEPointLightElement.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in Filter Effects 1
SVGFESpotLightElement.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in Filter Effects 1
UncalibratedMagnetometer.z (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in Magnetometer
XRRayDirectionInit.z (WebIDL dictionary member) §
Defined in WebXR Hit Test
z-index (CSS property) §
Defined in CSS 2
Referenced in CSS Positioned Layout 4, CSS Snapshot 2022, CSS Snapshot 2023, CSS Flexbox 1, CSS Inline Layout 3, CSS Layout API 1, CSS Paged Media 3, CSS Positioned Layout 3, CSS Table 3, CSS Transforms 1, CSS Typed OM 1, CSS Exclusions 1
Related terms: CSS value auto
UncalibratedMagnetometer.zBias (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in Magnetometer
<zero> (CSS type) §
Defined in CSS Values 4
Referenced in CSS Images 3, CSS Transforms 1, CSS Transforms 2, Filter Effects 1
"zero" (value for GPUBlendFactor WebIDL enumeration) §
Defined in WebGPU
"zero" (value for GPUStencilOperation WebIDL enumeration) §
Defined in WebGPU
zero-if-extrinsic (CSS value for min-intrinsic-sizing ) §
Defined in CSS Sizing 4
zero-if-scroll (CSS value for min-intrinsic-sizing ) §
Defined in CSS Sizing 4
MLQuantizationSupportLimits.zeroPoint (WebIDL dictionary member) §
Defined in Web Neural Network API
ZIP-based MIME type (concept) §
Defined in MIME Sniffing
Zone offset (concept) §
Defined in Internationalization Glossary
zoom (CSS property) §
Defined in CSS Viewport 1
Referenced in CSS Cascading 3
MediaTrackCapabilities.zoom (WebIDL dictionary member) §
Defined in MediaStream Image Capture
MediaTrackConstraintSet.zoom (WebIDL dictionary member) §
Defined in MediaStream Image Capture
MediaTrackSettings.zoom (WebIDL dictionary member) §
Defined in MediaStream Image Capture
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.zoom (WebIDL dictionary member) §
Defined in MediaStream Image Capture
zoom-in (CSS value for cursor ) §
Defined in CSS User Interface 3 , CSS User Interface 4
Referenced in CSS Snapshot 2022, CSS Snapshot 2023, CSS Snapshot 2024
zoom-out (CSS value for cursor ) §
Defined in CSS User Interface 3 , CSS User Interface 4
Referenced in CSS Snapshot 2022, CSS Snapshot 2023, CSS Snapshot 2024
CaptureController.zoomLevel (WebIDL attribute) §
Defined in Captured Surface Control
"zrn" (value for MLGruWeightLayout WebIDL enumeration) §
Defined in Web Neural Network API