Realm execution contexts tied to the InterestGroupBiddingAndScoringScriptRunnerGlobalScope
Global name use InterestGroupBiddingAndScoringScriptRunnerGlobalScope
as a basis for their global object.
This means their global object exposes the following members:
readonly attribute ForDebuggingOnly forDebuggingOnly;
readonly attribute RealTimeReporting realTimeReporting;
readonly attribute PrivateAggregation? privateAggregation;
The following interfaces are exposed exclusively in the corresponding realms:
- AbortController
- AbortSignal
- ByteLengthQueuingStrategy
- CompressionStream
- CountQueuingStrategy
- CustomEvent
- DOMException
- DecompressionStream
- ErrorEvent
- Event
- EventTarget
- ForDebuggingOnly
- Global
- Instance
- InterestGroupBiddingAndScoringScriptRunnerGlobalScope
- Memory
- Module
- Observable
- PromiseRejectionEvent
- ReadableByteStreamController
- ReadableStream
- ReadableStreamBYOBReader
- ReadableStreamBYOBRequest
- ReadableStreamDefaultController
- ReadableStreamDefaultReader
- RealTimeReporting
- Subscriber
- Table
- TextDecoder
- TextDecoderStream
- TextEncoder
- TextEncoderStream
- TransformStream
- TransformStreamDefaultController
- URLSearchParams
- WebTransportWriter
- WritableStream
- WritableStreamDefaultController
- WritableStreamDefaultWriter