
AuthenticatorAttestationResponseJSON dictionary


Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials - Level 3 defines AuthenticatorAttestationResponseJSON

dictionary AuthenticatorAttestationResponseJSON {
    required Base64URLString clientDataJSON;
    required Base64URLString authenticatorData;
    required sequence<DOMString> transports;
    // The publicKey field will be missing if pubKeyCredParams was used to
    // negotiate a public-key algorithm that the user agent doesn't
    // understand. (See section “Easily accessing credential data” for a
    // list of which algorithms user agents must support.) If using such an
    // algorithm then the public key must be parsed directly from
    // attestationObject or authenticatorData.
    Base64URLString publicKey;
    required long long publicKeyAlgorithm;
    // This value contains copies of some of the fields above. See
    // section “Easily accessing credential data”.
    required Base64URLString attestationObject;

Referring IDL interfaces/dictionaries