
FenceEvent dictionary


Fenced Frame defines FenceEvent

dictionary FenceEvent {
  // This dictionary has two mutually exclusive modes that aren’t represented as
  // distinct IDL types due to distinguishability issues:
  // When reporting to a preregistered destination (specified by enum), the following
  // properties are used:
  DOMString eventType;
  DOMString eventData;
  sequence<FenceReportingDestination> destination;

  // Determines if this data can be sent in a reportEvent() beacon or automatic
  // beacon that originates from a document that is cross-origin to the mapped
  // URL of the fenced frame config that loaded this frame tree.
  // Note that automatic beacon data can only be set from documents that are
  // same-origin to the fenced frame config’s mapped URL, so this effectively
  // opts in the data to being used in a cross-origin subframe.
  boolean crossOriginExposed = false;

  // When setting event data to be used later in an automatic beacon, the
  // following properties are used:
  boolean once = false;

  // When reporting to a custom destination URL (with substitution of macros defined by
  // the Protected Audience buyer), the following property is used:
  USVString destinationURL;

Referring IDL interfaces/dictionaries