
RTCDataChannel interface


WebRTC: Real-Time Communication in Browsers defines RTCDataChannel

interface RTCDataChannel : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute USVString label;
  readonly attribute boolean ordered;
  readonly attribute unsigned short? maxPacketLifeTime;
  readonly attribute unsigned short? maxRetransmits;
  readonly attribute USVString protocol;
  readonly attribute boolean negotiated;
  readonly attribute unsigned short? id;
  readonly attribute RTCDataChannelState readyState;
  readonly attribute unsigned long bufferedAmount;
  [EnforceRange] attribute unsigned long bufferedAmountLowThreshold;
  attribute EventHandler onopen;
  attribute EventHandler onbufferedamountlow;
  attribute EventHandler onerror;
  attribute EventHandler onclosing;
  attribute EventHandler onclose;
  undefined close();
  attribute EventHandler onmessage;
  attribute BinaryType binaryType;
  undefined send(USVString data);
  undefined send(Blob data);
  undefined send(ArrayBuffer data);
  undefined send(ArrayBufferView data);

This interface is extended in the following specifications:

Consolidated IDL (across mixin and partials)

interface RTCDataChannel : EventTarget {
  readonly attribute USVString label;
  readonly attribute boolean ordered;
  readonly attribute unsigned short? maxPacketLifeTime;
  readonly attribute unsigned short? maxRetransmits;
  readonly attribute USVString protocol;
  readonly attribute boolean negotiated;
  readonly attribute unsigned short? id;
  readonly attribute RTCDataChannelState readyState;
  readonly attribute unsigned long bufferedAmount;
  [EnforceRange] attribute unsigned long bufferedAmountLowThreshold;
  attribute EventHandler onopen;
  attribute EventHandler onbufferedamountlow;
  attribute EventHandler onerror;
  attribute EventHandler onclosing;
  attribute EventHandler onclose;
  undefined close();
  attribute EventHandler onmessage;
  attribute BinaryType binaryType;
  undefined send(USVString data);
  undefined send(Blob data);
  undefined send(ArrayBuffer data);
  undefined send(ArrayBufferView data);
  readonly attribute RTCPriorityType priority;

Methods and attributes that return objects implementing RTCDataChannel

Referring IDL interfaces/dictionaries

Referring specifications