
FontFaceSet interface


CSS Font Loading Module Level 3 defines FontFaceSet

interface FontFaceSet : EventTarget {
  constructor(sequence<FontFace> initialFaces);

  FontFaceSet add(FontFace font);
  boolean delete(FontFace font);
  undefined clear();

  // events for when loading state changes
  attribute EventHandler onloading;
  attribute EventHandler onloadingdone;
  attribute EventHandler onloadingerror;

  // check and start loads if appropriate
  // and fulfill promise when all loads complete
  Promise<sequence<FontFace>> load(CSSOMString font, optional CSSOMString text = " ");

  // return whether all fonts in the fontlist are loaded
  // (does not initiate load if not available)
  boolean check(CSSOMString font, optional CSSOMString text = " ");

  // async notification that font loading and layout operations are done
  readonly attribute Promise<FontFaceSet> ready;

  // loading state, "loading" while one or more fonts loading, "loaded" otherwise
  readonly attribute FontFaceSetLoadStatus status;

Methods and attributes that return objects implementing FontFaceSet

Referring IDL interfaces/dictionaries