
HTMLInputElement interface


HTML Standard defines HTMLInputElement

interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString accept;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString alt;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString autocomplete;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean defaultChecked;
  attribute boolean checked;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString dirName;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
  attribute FileList? files;
  [CEReactions] attribute USVString formAction;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString formEnctype;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString formMethod;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean formNoValidate;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString formTarget;
  [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long height;
  attribute boolean indeterminate;
  readonly attribute HTMLDataListElement? list;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString max;
  [CEReactions] attribute long maxLength;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString min;
  [CEReactions] attribute long minLength;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean multiple;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString name;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString pattern;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString placeholder;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean readOnly;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean required;
  [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long size;
  [CEReactions] attribute USVString src;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString step;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString type;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString defaultValue;
  [CEReactions] attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString value;
  attribute object? valueAsDate;
  attribute unrestricted double valueAsNumber;
  [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long width;

  undefined stepUp(optional long n = 1);
  undefined stepDown(optional long n = 1);

  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  boolean reportValidity();
  undefined setCustomValidity(DOMString error);

  readonly attribute NodeList? labels;

  undefined select();
  attribute unsigned long? selectionStart;
  attribute unsigned long? selectionEnd;
  attribute DOMString? selectionDirection;
  undefined setRangeText(DOMString replacement);
  undefined setRangeText(DOMString replacement, unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional SelectionMode selectionMode = "preserve");
  undefined setSelectionRange(unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional DOMString direction);

  undefined showPicker();

  // also has obsolete members
HTMLInputElement includes PopoverInvokerElement;

partial interface HTMLInputElement {
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString align;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString useMap;

This interface is extended in the following specifications:

Consolidated IDL (across mixin and partials)

interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString accept;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString alt;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString autocomplete;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean defaultChecked;
  attribute boolean checked;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString dirName;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
  attribute FileList? files;
  [CEReactions] attribute USVString formAction;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString formEnctype;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString formMethod;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean formNoValidate;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString formTarget;
  [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long height;
  attribute boolean indeterminate;
  readonly attribute HTMLDataListElement? list;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString max;
  [CEReactions] attribute long maxLength;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString min;
  [CEReactions] attribute long minLength;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean multiple;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString name;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString pattern;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString placeholder;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean readOnly;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean required;
  [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long size;
  [CEReactions] attribute USVString src;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString step;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString type;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString defaultValue;
  [CEReactions] attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString value;
  attribute object? valueAsDate;
  attribute unrestricted double valueAsNumber;
  [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long width;

  undefined stepUp(optional long n = 1);
  undefined stepDown(optional long n = 1);

  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  boolean reportValidity();
  undefined setCustomValidity(DOMString error);

  readonly attribute NodeList? labels;

  undefined select();
  attribute unsigned long? selectionStart;
  attribute unsigned long? selectionEnd;
  attribute DOMString? selectionDirection;
  undefined setRangeText(DOMString replacement);
  undefined setRangeText(DOMString replacement, unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional SelectionMode selectionMode = "preserve");
  undefined setSelectionRange(unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional DOMString direction);

  undefined showPicker();
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString align;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString useMap;
  [CEReactions] attribute Element? popoverTargetElement;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString popoverTargetAction;
    attribute boolean webkitdirectory;
    readonly attribute FrozenArray<FileSystemEntry> webkitEntries;
    [CEReactions] attribute DOMString capture;

  // also has obsolete members

Methods and attributes that return objects implementing HTMLInputElement

Referring specifications