
HTMLSelectElement interface


HTML Standard defines HTMLSelectElement

interface HTMLSelectElement : HTMLElement {
  [HTMLConstructor] constructor();

  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString autocomplete;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean disabled;
  readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean multiple;
  [CEReactions] attribute DOMString name;
  [CEReactions] attribute boolean required;
  [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long size;

  readonly attribute DOMString type;

  [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLOptionsCollection options;
  [CEReactions] attribute unsigned long length;
  getter HTMLOptionElement? item(unsigned long index);
  HTMLOptionElement? namedItem(DOMString name);
  [CEReactions] undefined add((HTMLOptionElement or HTMLOptGroupElement) element, optional (HTMLElement or long)? before = null);
  [CEReactions] undefined remove(); // ChildNode overload
  [CEReactions] undefined remove(long index);
  [CEReactions] setter undefined (unsigned long index, HTMLOptionElement? option);

  [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection selectedOptions;
  attribute long selectedIndex;
  attribute DOMString value;

  readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
  readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
  readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
  boolean checkValidity();
  boolean reportValidity();
  undefined setCustomValidity(DOMString error);

  undefined showPicker();

  readonly attribute NodeList labels;

Methods and attributes that return objects implementing HTMLSelectElement