
MLGraphBuilder interface


Web Neural Network API defines MLGraphBuilder

[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
interface MLGraphBuilder {
  // Construct the graph builder from the context.
  constructor(MLContext context);

  // Create an operand for a graph input.
  MLOperand input(USVString name, MLOperandDescriptor descriptor);

  // Create an operand for a graph constant.
  MLOperand constant(MLOperandDescriptor descriptor,
                     AllowSharedBufferSource buffer);

  // Create a scalar operand from the specified number of the specified type.
  MLOperand constant(MLOperandDataType type, MLNumber value);

  // Compile the graph up to the specified output operands asynchronously.
  Promise<MLGraph> build(MLNamedOperands outputs);

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand argMin(MLOperand input, [EnforceRange] unsigned long axis,
                   optional MLArgMinMaxOptions options = {});
  MLOperand argMax(MLOperand input, [EnforceRange] unsigned long axis,
                   optional MLArgMinMaxOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand batchNormalization(MLOperand input, MLOperand mean, MLOperand variance,
                               optional MLBatchNormalizationOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand cast(MLOperand input,
                 MLOperandDataType type,
                 optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand clamp(MLOperand input, optional MLClampOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand concat(sequence<MLOperand> inputs,
                   [EnforceRange] unsigned long axis,
                   optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand conv2d(MLOperand input,
                   MLOperand filter,
                   optional MLConv2dOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand convTranspose2d(MLOperand input, MLOperand filter,
                            optional MLConvTranspose2dOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand add(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand sub(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand mul(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand div(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand max(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand min(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand pow(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand equal(MLOperand a,
                  MLOperand b,
                  optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand greater(MLOperand a,
                    MLOperand b,
                    optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand greaterOrEqual(MLOperand a,
                           MLOperand b,
                           optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand lesser(MLOperand a,
                   MLOperand b,
                   optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand lesserOrEqual(MLOperand a,
                          MLOperand b,
                          optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand logicalNot(MLOperand a, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand abs(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand ceil(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand cos(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand erf(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand exp(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand floor(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand identity(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand log(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand neg(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reciprocal(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand sin(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand sqrt(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand tan(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand elu(MLOperand input, optional MLEluOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand expand(MLOperand input,
                   sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> newShape,
                   optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand gather(MLOperand input,
                   MLOperand indices,
                   optional MLGatherOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand gelu(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand gemm(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLGemmOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  sequence<MLOperand> gru(MLOperand input,
                          MLOperand weight,
                          MLOperand recurrentWeight,
                          [EnforceRange] unsigned long steps,
                          [EnforceRange] unsigned long hiddenSize,
                          optional MLGruOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand gruCell(MLOperand input,
                    MLOperand weight,
                    MLOperand recurrentWeight,
                    MLOperand hiddenState,
                    [EnforceRange] unsigned long hiddenSize,
                    optional MLGruCellOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand hardSigmoid(MLOperand input, optional MLHardSigmoidOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand hardSwish(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand instanceNormalization(MLOperand input,
                                  optional MLInstanceNormalizationOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand layerNormalization(MLOperand input,
                               optional MLLayerNormalizationOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand leakyRelu(MLOperand input, optional MLLeakyReluOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand linear(MLOperand input, optional MLLinearOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  sequence<MLOperand> lstm(MLOperand input,
                           MLOperand weight,
                           MLOperand recurrentWeight,
                           [EnforceRange] unsigned long steps,
                           [EnforceRange] unsigned long hiddenSize,
                           optional MLLstmOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  sequence<MLOperand> lstmCell(MLOperand input,
                               MLOperand weight,
                               MLOperand recurrentWeight,
                               MLOperand hiddenState,
                               MLOperand cellState,
                               [EnforceRange] unsigned long hiddenSize,
                               optional MLLstmCellOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand matmul(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand pad(MLOperand input,
                sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> beginningPadding,
                sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> endingPadding,
                optional MLPadOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand averagePool2d(MLOperand input, optional MLPool2dOptions options = {});
  MLOperand l2Pool2d(MLOperand input, optional MLPool2dOptions options = {});
  MLOperand maxPool2d(MLOperand input, optional MLPool2dOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand prelu(MLOperand input,
                  MLOperand slope,
                  optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand reduceL1(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceL2(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceLogSum(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceLogSumExp(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceMax(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceMean(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceMin(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceProduct(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceSum(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceSumSquare(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand relu(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand resample2d(MLOperand input, optional MLResample2dOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand reshape(MLOperand input,
                    sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> newShape,
                    optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand sigmoid(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand slice(MLOperand input,
                  sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> starts,
                  sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> sizes,
                  optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand softmax(MLOperand input,
                    [EnforceRange] unsigned long axis,
                    optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand softplus(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand softsign(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  sequence<MLOperand> split(
      MLOperand input,
      ([EnforceRange] unsigned long or sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long>) splits,
      optional MLSplitOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand tanh(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand transpose(MLOperand input, optional MLTransposeOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand triangular(MLOperand input, optional MLTriangularOptions options = {});

partial interface MLGraphBuilder {
  MLOperand where(MLOperand condition,
                  MLOperand trueValue,
                  MLOperand falseValue,
                  optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
Consolidated IDL (across mixin and partials)

[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window, DedicatedWorker)]
interface MLGraphBuilder {
  // Construct the graph builder from the context.
  constructor(MLContext context);

  // Create an operand for a graph input.
  MLOperand input(USVString name, MLOperandDescriptor descriptor);

  // Create an operand for a graph constant.
  MLOperand constant(MLOperandDescriptor descriptor,
                     AllowSharedBufferSource buffer);

  // Create a scalar operand from the specified number of the specified type.
  MLOperand constant(MLOperandDataType type, MLNumber value);

  // Compile the graph up to the specified output operands asynchronously.
  Promise<MLGraph> build(MLNamedOperands outputs);
  MLOperand argMin(MLOperand input, [EnforceRange] unsigned long axis,
                   optional MLArgMinMaxOptions options = {});
  MLOperand argMax(MLOperand input, [EnforceRange] unsigned long axis,
                   optional MLArgMinMaxOptions options = {});
  MLOperand batchNormalization(MLOperand input, MLOperand mean, MLOperand variance,
                               optional MLBatchNormalizationOptions options = {});
  MLOperand cast(MLOperand input,
                 MLOperandDataType type,
                 optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand clamp(MLOperand input, optional MLClampOptions options = {});
  MLOperand concat(sequence<MLOperand> inputs,
                   [EnforceRange] unsigned long axis,
                   optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand conv2d(MLOperand input,
                   MLOperand filter,
                   optional MLConv2dOptions options = {});
  MLOperand convTranspose2d(MLOperand input, MLOperand filter,
                            optional MLConvTranspose2dOptions options = {});
  MLOperand add(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand sub(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand mul(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand div(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand max(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand min(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand pow(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand equal(MLOperand a,
                  MLOperand b,
                  optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand greater(MLOperand a,
                    MLOperand b,
                    optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand greaterOrEqual(MLOperand a,
                           MLOperand b,
                           optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand lesser(MLOperand a,
                   MLOperand b,
                   optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand lesserOrEqual(MLOperand a,
                          MLOperand b,
                          optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand logicalNot(MLOperand a, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand abs(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand ceil(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand cos(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand erf(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand exp(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand floor(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand identity(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand log(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand neg(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reciprocal(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand sin(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand sqrt(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand tan(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand elu(MLOperand input, optional MLEluOptions options = {});
  MLOperand expand(MLOperand input,
                   sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> newShape,
                   optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand gather(MLOperand input,
                   MLOperand indices,
                   optional MLGatherOptions options = {});
  MLOperand gelu(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand gemm(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLGemmOptions options = {});
  sequence<MLOperand> gru(MLOperand input,
                          MLOperand weight,
                          MLOperand recurrentWeight,
                          [EnforceRange] unsigned long steps,
                          [EnforceRange] unsigned long hiddenSize,
                          optional MLGruOptions options = {});
  MLOperand gruCell(MLOperand input,
                    MLOperand weight,
                    MLOperand recurrentWeight,
                    MLOperand hiddenState,
                    [EnforceRange] unsigned long hiddenSize,
                    optional MLGruCellOptions options = {});
  MLOperand hardSigmoid(MLOperand input, optional MLHardSigmoidOptions options = {});
  MLOperand hardSwish(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand instanceNormalization(MLOperand input,
                                  optional MLInstanceNormalizationOptions options = {});
  MLOperand layerNormalization(MLOperand input,
                               optional MLLayerNormalizationOptions options = {});
  MLOperand leakyRelu(MLOperand input, optional MLLeakyReluOptions options = {});
  MLOperand linear(MLOperand input, optional MLLinearOptions options = {});
  sequence<MLOperand> lstm(MLOperand input,
                           MLOperand weight,
                           MLOperand recurrentWeight,
                           [EnforceRange] unsigned long steps,
                           [EnforceRange] unsigned long hiddenSize,
                           optional MLLstmOptions options = {});
  sequence<MLOperand> lstmCell(MLOperand input,
                               MLOperand weight,
                               MLOperand recurrentWeight,
                               MLOperand hiddenState,
                               MLOperand cellState,
                               [EnforceRange] unsigned long hiddenSize,
                               optional MLLstmCellOptions options = {});
  MLOperand matmul(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand pad(MLOperand input,
                sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> beginningPadding,
                sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> endingPadding,
                optional MLPadOptions options = {});
  MLOperand averagePool2d(MLOperand input, optional MLPool2dOptions options = {});
  MLOperand l2Pool2d(MLOperand input, optional MLPool2dOptions options = {});
  MLOperand maxPool2d(MLOperand input, optional MLPool2dOptions options = {});
  MLOperand prelu(MLOperand input,
                  MLOperand slope,
                  optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceL1(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceL2(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceLogSum(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceLogSumExp(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceMax(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceMean(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceMin(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceProduct(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceSum(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reduceSumSquare(MLOperand input, optional MLReduceOptions options = {});
  MLOperand relu(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand resample2d(MLOperand input, optional MLResample2dOptions options = {});
  MLOperand reshape(MLOperand input,
                    sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> newShape,
                    optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand sigmoid(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand slice(MLOperand input,
                  sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> starts,
                  sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long> sizes,
                  optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand softmax(MLOperand input,
                    [EnforceRange] unsigned long axis,
                    optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand softplus(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand softsign(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  sequence<MLOperand> split(
      MLOperand input,
      ([EnforceRange] unsigned long or sequence<[EnforceRange] unsigned long>) splits,
      optional MLSplitOptions options = {});
  MLOperand tanh(MLOperand input, optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});
  MLOperand transpose(MLOperand input, optional MLTransposeOptions options = {});
  MLOperand triangular(MLOperand input, optional MLTriangularOptions options = {});
  MLOperand where(MLOperand condition,
                  MLOperand trueValue,
                  MLOperand falseValue,
                  optional MLOperatorOptions options = {});

Methods and attributes that return objects implementing MLGraphBuilder