HTML Standard defines Navigator
partial interface Navigator {
[SameObject] readonly attribute UserActivation userActivation;
interface Navigator {
// objects implementing this interface also implement the interfaces given below
Navigator includes NavigatorID;
Navigator includes NavigatorLanguage;
Navigator includes NavigatorOnLine;
Navigator includes NavigatorContentUtils;
Navigator includes NavigatorCookies;
Navigator includes NavigatorPlugins;
Navigator includes NavigatorConcurrentHardware;
This interface is extended in the following specifications:
- Storage Standard
Navigator includes NavigatorStorage;
- Login Status API
partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext] readonly attribute NavigatorLogin login; };
- Privacy-Preserving Attribution: Level 1
partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute PrivateAttribution privateAttribution; };
- Web Bluetooth
[SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute Bluetooth bluetooth; };
- Fenced Frame
partial interface Navigator { Promise<undefined> deprecatedReplaceInURN( UrnOrConfig urnOrConfig, record<USVString, USVString> replacements); Promise<USVString> deprecatedURNtoURL( UrnOrConfig urnOrConfig, optional boolean send_reports = false); sequence<USVString> adAuctionComponents(unsigned short numAdComponents); };
- Get Installed Related Apps API
[Exposed=Window] partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext] Promise<sequence<RelatedApplication>> getInstalledRelatedApps(); };
- Handwriting Recognition API
[SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { Promise<HandwritingRecognizerQueryResult?> queryHandwritingRecognizer(HandwritingModelConstraint constraint); }; [SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { Promise<HandwritingRecognizer> createHandwritingRecognizer(HandwritingModelConstraint constraint); };
- Ink API
[Exposed=Window] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute Ink ink; };
- Early detection of input events
partial interface Navigator { readonly attribute Scheduling scheduling; };
- Keyboard Lock
partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute Keyboard keyboard; };
- Network Information API
Navigator includes NavigatorNetworkInformation;
- Web Serial API
[Exposed=Window, SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute Serial serial; };
- Storage Buckets API
Navigator includes NavigatorStorageBuckets;
- Protected Audience (formerly FLEDGE)
[SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { Promise<undefined> joinAdInterestGroup(AuctionAdInterestGroup group); }; [SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { Promise<undefined> leaveAdInterestGroup(optional AuctionAdInterestGroupKey group = {}); }; [SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { Promise<undefined> clearOriginJoinedAdInterestGroups( USVString owner, optional sequence<USVString> interestGroupsToKeep = []); }; [SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { Promise<(USVString or FencedFrameConfig)?> runAdAuction(AuctionAdConfig config); readonly attribute boolean deprecatedRunAdAuctionEnforcesKAnonymity; }; [SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { boolean canLoadAdAuctionFencedFrame(); }; [SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { Promise<AdAuctionData> getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(optional AdAuctionDataConfig config = {}); }; [SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { Promise<DOMString> createAuctionNonce(); }; [SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { undefined updateAdInterestGroups(); }; [SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute ProtectedAudience protectedAudience; };
- User-Agent Client Hints
Navigator includes NavigatorUA;
- Managed Configuration API
[ SecureContext ] partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute NavigatorManagedData managed; };
[SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute HID hid; };
[Exposed=Window, SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute USB usb; };
- Window Controls Overlay
[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window)] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute WindowControlsOverlay windowControlsOverlay; };
- Audio Session
[Exposed=Window] partial interface Navigator { // The default audio session that the user agent will use when media elements start/stop playing. readonly attribute AudioSession audioSession; };
- Autoplay Policy Detection
[Exposed=Window] partial interface Navigator { AutoplayPolicy getAutoplayPolicy(AutoplayPolicyMediaType type); AutoplayPolicy getAutoplayPolicy(HTMLMediaElement element); AutoplayPolicy getAutoplayPolicy(AudioContext context); };
- Badging API
Navigator includes NavigatorBadge;
- Battery Status API
[SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { Promise<BatteryManager> getBattery(); };
- Beacon
partial interface Navigator { boolean sendBeacon(USVString url, optional BodyInit? data = null); };
- Clipboard API and events
partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute Clipboard clipboard; };
- Contact Picker API
[Exposed=Window] partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute ContactsManager contacts; };
- Credential Management Level 1
partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute CredentialsContainer credentials; };
- Device Memory
Navigator includes NavigatorDeviceMemory;
- Device Posture API
[SecureContext, Exposed=(Window)] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute DevicePosture devicePosture; };
- Encrypted Media Extensions
[Exposed=Window] partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext] Promise<MediaKeySystemAccess> requestMediaKeySystemAccess ( DOMString keySystem, sequence<MediaKeySystemConfiguration> supportedConfigurations); };
- EPUB Reading Systems 3.3
partial interface Navigator { [LegacyUnforgeable, SameObject] readonly attribute EpubReadingSystem epubReadingSystem; };
- Gamepad
[Exposed=Window] partial interface Navigator { sequence<Gamepad?> getGamepads(); };
- Geolocation
partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute Geolocation geolocation; };
- Global Privacy Control (GPC)
Navigator includes GlobalPrivacyControl;
- Media Capabilities
[Exposed=Window] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute MediaCapabilities mediaCapabilities; };
- Media Capture and Streams
partial interface Navigator { [SameObject, SecureContext] readonly attribute MediaDevices mediaDevices; };
- Media Queries Level 5
[Exposed=Window, SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute PreferenceManager preferences; };
- Media Session
[Exposed=Window] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute MediaSession mediaSession; };
- Permissions
[Exposed=(Window)] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute Permissions permissions; };
- Pointer Events
partial interface Navigator { readonly attribute long maxTouchPoints; };
- Presentation API
partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute Presentation presentation; };
- Screen Wake Lock API
[SecureContext] partial interface Navigator { [SameObject] readonly attribute WakeLock wakeLock; };
- Service Workers Nightly
partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute ServiceWorkerContainer serviceWorker; };
- Vibration API
partial interface Navigator { boolean vibrate (VibratePattern pattern); };
- VirtualKeyboard API
partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute VirtualKeyboard virtualKeyboard; };
- Web Locks API
Navigator includes NavigatorLocks;
- Web Share API
partial interface Navigator { };
- WebDriver
Navigator includes NavigatorAutomationInformation;
- WebGPU
Navigator includes NavigatorGPU;
partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext] Promise <MIDIAccess> requestMIDIAccess(optional MIDIOptions options = {}); };
- Web Neural Network API
Navigator includes NavigatorML;
- WebXR Device API
partial interface Navigator { [SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute XRSystem xr; };
Consolidated IDL (across mixin and partials)
interface Navigator {
[SameObject] readonly attribute UserActivation userActivation;
readonly attribute DOMString appCodeName; // constant "Mozilla"
readonly attribute DOMString appName; // constant "Netscape"
readonly attribute DOMString appVersion;
readonly attribute DOMString platform;
readonly attribute DOMString product; // constant "Gecko"
[Exposed=Window] readonly attribute DOMString productSub;
readonly attribute DOMString userAgent;
[Exposed=Window] readonly attribute DOMString vendor;
[Exposed=Window] readonly attribute DOMString vendorSub;
[Exposed=Window] boolean taintEnabled(); // constant false
[Exposed=Window] readonly attribute DOMString oscpu;
readonly attribute DOMString language;
readonly attribute FrozenArray<DOMString> languages;
readonly attribute boolean onLine;
[SecureContext] undefined registerProtocolHandler(DOMString scheme, USVString url);
[SecureContext] undefined unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString scheme, USVString url);
readonly attribute boolean cookieEnabled;
[SameObject] readonly attribute PluginArray plugins;
[SameObject] readonly attribute MimeTypeArray mimeTypes;
boolean javaEnabled();
readonly attribute boolean pdfViewerEnabled;
readonly attribute unsigned long long hardwareConcurrency;
[SameObject] readonly attribute StorageManager storage;
[SecureContext] readonly attribute NavigatorLogin login;
[SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute PrivateAttribution privateAttribution;
readonly attribute Bluetooth bluetooth;
Promise<undefined> deprecatedReplaceInURN(
UrnOrConfig urnOrConfig, record<USVString, USVString> replacements);
Promise<USVString> deprecatedURNtoURL(
UrnOrConfig urnOrConfig, optional boolean send_reports = false);
sequence<USVString> adAuctionComponents(unsigned short numAdComponents);
[SecureContext] Promise<sequence<RelatedApplication>> getInstalledRelatedApps();
queryHandwritingRecognizer(HandwritingModelConstraint constraint);
createHandwritingRecognizer(HandwritingModelConstraint constraint);
[SameObject] readonly attribute Ink ink;
readonly attribute Scheduling scheduling;
[SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute Keyboard keyboard;
[SameObject] readonly attribute NetworkInformation connection;
[SameObject] readonly attribute Serial serial;
[SameObject] readonly attribute StorageBucketManager storageBuckets;
Promise<undefined> joinAdInterestGroup(AuctionAdInterestGroup group);
Promise<undefined> leaveAdInterestGroup(optional AuctionAdInterestGroupKey group = {});
Promise<undefined> clearOriginJoinedAdInterestGroups(
USVString owner, optional sequence<USVString> interestGroupsToKeep = []);
Promise<(USVString or FencedFrameConfig)?> runAdAuction(AuctionAdConfig config);
readonly attribute boolean deprecatedRunAdAuctionEnforcesKAnonymity;
boolean canLoadAdAuctionFencedFrame();
Promise<AdAuctionData> getInterestGroupAdAuctionData(optional AdAuctionDataConfig config = {});
Promise<DOMString> createAuctionNonce();
undefined updateAdInterestGroups();
[SameObject] readonly attribute ProtectedAudience protectedAudience;
[SecureContext] readonly attribute NavigatorUAData userAgentData;
[SecureContext, SameObject]
readonly attribute NavigatorManagedData managed;
[SameObject] readonly attribute HID hid;
[SameObject] readonly attribute USB usb;
[SameObject] readonly attribute WindowControlsOverlay windowControlsOverlay;
// The default audio session that the user agent will use when media elements start/stop playing.
readonly attribute AudioSession audioSession;
AutoplayPolicy getAutoplayPolicy(AutoplayPolicyMediaType type);
AutoplayPolicy getAutoplayPolicy(HTMLMediaElement element);
AutoplayPolicy getAutoplayPolicy(AudioContext context);
Promise<undefined> setAppBadge(
optional [EnforceRange] unsigned long long contents
Promise<undefined> clearAppBadge();
Promise<BatteryManager> getBattery();
boolean sendBeacon(USVString url, optional BodyInit? data = null);
[SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute Clipboard clipboard;
[SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute ContactsManager contacts;
[SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute CredentialsContainer credentials;
readonly attribute double deviceMemory;
[SameObject] readonly attribute DevicePosture devicePosture;
[SecureContext] Promise<MediaKeySystemAccess> requestMediaKeySystemAccess (
DOMString keySystem,
sequence<MediaKeySystemConfiguration> supportedConfigurations);
[LegacyUnforgeable, SameObject] readonly attribute EpubReadingSystem epubReadingSystem;
sequence<Gamepad?> getGamepads();
[SameObject] readonly attribute Geolocation geolocation;
readonly attribute boolean globalPrivacyControl;
[SameObject] readonly attribute MediaCapabilities mediaCapabilities;
[SameObject, SecureContext] readonly attribute MediaDevices mediaDevices;
[SameObject] readonly attribute PreferenceManager preferences;
[SameObject] readonly attribute MediaSession mediaSession;
[SameObject] readonly attribute Permissions permissions;
readonly attribute long maxTouchPoints;
[SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute Presentation presentation;
[SameObject] readonly attribute WakeLock wakeLock;
[SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute ServiceWorkerContainer serviceWorker;
boolean vibrate (VibratePattern pattern);
[SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute VirtualKeyboard virtualKeyboard;
readonly attribute LockManager locks;
readonly attribute boolean webdriver;
[SameObject, SecureContext] readonly attribute GPU gpu;
Promise <MIDIAccess> requestMIDIAccess(optional MIDIOptions options = {});
[SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute ML ml;
[SecureContext, SameObject] readonly attribute XRSystem xr;
// objects implementing this interface also implement the interfaces given below
Methods and attributes that return objects implementing Navigator
Referring IDL interfaces/dictionaries
Referring specifications
- Login Status API refers to
- Privacy-Preserving Attribution: Level 1 refers to
- Web Bluetooth refers to
- Fenced Frame refers to
- Get Installed Related Apps API refers to
- Handwriting Recognition API refers to
- Ink API refers to
- Early detection of input events refers to
- Keyboard Lock refers to
- Web Serial API refers to
- Protected Audience (formerly FLEDGE) refers to
- Managed Configuration API refers to
- WebHID API refers to
- WebUSB API refers to
- Window Controls Overlay refers to
- Audio Session refers to
- Autoplay Policy Detection refers to
- Battery Status API refers to
- Beacon refers to
- Clipboard API and events refers to
- Contact Picker API refers to
- Credential Management Level 1 refers to
- Device Posture API refers to
- Encrypted Media Extensions refers to
- EPUB Reading Systems 3.3 refers to
- Gamepad refers to
- Geolocation refers to
- Media Capabilities refers to
- Media Capture and Streams refers to
- Media Queries Level 5 refers to
- Media Session refers to
- Permissions refers to
- Pointer Events refers to
- Presentation API refers to
- Screen Wake Lock API refers to
- Service Workers Nightly refers to
- Vibration API refers to
- VirtualKeyboard API refers to
- Web Share API refers to
- Web MIDI API refers to
- WebXR Device API refers to