Observable defines Observable
interface Observable {
constructor(SubscribeCallback callback);
undefined subscribe(optional ObserverUnion observer = {}, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
// Constructs a native Observable from value if it's any of the following:
// - Observable
// - AsyncIterable
// - Iterable
// - Promise
static Observable from(any value);
// Observable-returning operators. See "Operators" section in the spec.
// takeUntil() can consume promises, iterables, async iterables, and other
// observables.
Observable takeUntil(any value);
Observable map(Mapper mapper);
Observable filter(Predicate predicate);
Observable take(unsigned long long amount);
Observable drop(unsigned long long amount);
Observable flatMap(Mapper mapper);
Observable switchMap(Mapper mapper);
Observable inspect(optional ObservableInspectorUnion inspectorUnion = {});
Observable catch(CatchCallback callback);
Observable finally(VoidFunction callback);
// Promise-returning operators.
Promise<sequence<any>> toArray(optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
Promise<undefined> forEach(Visitor callback, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
Promise<boolean> every(Predicate predicate, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
Promise<any> first(optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
Promise<any> last(optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
Promise<any> find(Predicate predicate, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
Promise<boolean> some(Predicate predicate, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});
Promise<any> reduce(Reducer reducer, optional any initialValue, optional SubscribeOptions options = {});