
SpeechRecognition interface


Web Speech API defines SpeechRecognition

interface SpeechRecognition : EventTarget {

    // recognition parameters
    attribute SpeechGrammarList grammars;
    attribute DOMString lang;
    attribute boolean continuous;
    attribute boolean interimResults;
    attribute unsigned long maxAlternatives;

    // methods to drive the speech interaction
    undefined start();
    undefined stop();
    undefined abort();

    // event methods
    attribute EventHandler onaudiostart;
    attribute EventHandler onsoundstart;
    attribute EventHandler onspeechstart;
    attribute EventHandler onspeechend;
    attribute EventHandler onsoundend;
    attribute EventHandler onaudioend;
    attribute EventHandler onresult;
    attribute EventHandler onnomatch;
    attribute EventHandler onerror;
    attribute EventHandler onstart;
    attribute EventHandler onend;

Methods and attributes that return objects implementing SpeechRecognition