
XRWebGLLayer interface


WebXR Device API defines XRWebGLLayer

[SecureContext, Exposed=Window]
interface XRWebGLLayer: XRLayer {
  constructor(XRSession session,
             XRWebGLRenderingContext context,
             optional XRWebGLLayerInit layerInit = {});
  // Attributes
  readonly attribute boolean antialias;
  readonly attribute boolean ignoreDepthValues;
  attribute float? fixedFoveation;

  [SameObject] readonly attribute WebGLFramebuffer? framebuffer;
  readonly attribute unsigned long framebufferWidth;
  readonly attribute unsigned long framebufferHeight;

  // Methods
  XRViewport? getViewport(XRView view);

  // Static Methods
  static double getNativeFramebufferScaleFactor(XRSession session);

Methods and attributes that return objects implementing XRWebGLLayer

Referring IDL interfaces/dictionaries