
Event interface


DOM Standard defines Event

interface Event {
  constructor(DOMString type, optional EventInit eventInitDict = {});

  readonly attribute DOMString type;
  readonly attribute EventTarget? target;
  readonly attribute EventTarget? srcElement; // legacy
  readonly attribute EventTarget? currentTarget;
  sequence<EventTarget> composedPath();

  const unsigned short NONE = 0;
  const unsigned short CAPTURING_PHASE = 1;
  const unsigned short AT_TARGET = 2;
  const unsigned short BUBBLING_PHASE = 3;
  readonly attribute unsigned short eventPhase;

  undefined stopPropagation();
           attribute boolean cancelBubble; // legacy alias of .stopPropagation()
  undefined stopImmediatePropagation();

  readonly attribute boolean bubbles;
  readonly attribute boolean cancelable;
           attribute boolean returnValue;  // legacy
  undefined preventDefault();
  readonly attribute boolean defaultPrevented;
  readonly attribute boolean composed;

  [LegacyUnforgeable] readonly attribute boolean isTrusted;
  readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp timeStamp;

  undefined initEvent(DOMString type, optional boolean bubbles = false, optional boolean cancelable = false); // legacy

Methods and attributes that return objects implementing Event

Referring IDL interfaces/dictionaries

Referring specifications